To begin your training, register on our webpage or classrooms.
You can pay through an wire transfer, in e-driving school environment or in cash in our classrooms/offices.
Our driving instructors do not tend to invoicing.
Starting your training.
To begin your training, register on our webpage or classrooms.
You can pay through an wire transfer, in e-driving school environment or in cash in our classrooms/offices.
Our driving instructors do not tend to invoicing.
Payment options:
Category CE driving licence gives a right to drive a truck with a maximum mass up to 3500 kg and add a trailer, which is not a light trailer.
Requirements for starting category CE training:
The training is suitable to a student who has a right to drive a category C vehicle and whose habitual residence is in Estonia.
Theory lessons
You can pass the theory lessons as an e-course and watch the course videos at a suitable time, which gives you a chance to fit your lessons in between work, exercising and other everyday activities. E-courses are also convenient if your work/studies are of a periodic nature or you live far from the classrooms and it takes a considerable time to drive there.
Category CE training is also available as a face-to-face course.
Category CE includes 10 theory lessons (one lesson lasts 45 min).
Driving lessons
Regardless of whether you take theory as an e-course or face-to-face, you can start your driving lessons in parallel with the theory lessons.
Category CE includes 10 driving lessons (one lesson lasts 45 min).
You can check out the curriculum here.
Finishing the training
If you have passed all stages of training, you can apply for an electronic certificate of a category A power-driven vehicle driver course, for which you have to:
In order to apply for the right to drive, you can now also register to exams in a Transport Administration’s traffic register office of your choice or online.
Tule tööle!
Atraktiivne tööandja - Eesti suurim autokool. Tutvu lähemalt pakutavate töökohtadega.